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How to Find an Emergency Dentist in Bloomington, MN

How to Find an Emergency Dentist in Bloomington, MN

by Dr. Sara Fam on 24/10/2022

At Oxboro Family Dental, we understand that emergencies can happen at any time of day. When accidents of medical nature occur, we all know the digits that can save a life. We also know where to go with a broken arm. What if you fall and crack or lose a tooth?

What if your oral health is compromised because of an unexpected injury? Most of those cases end up in Emergency Departments because many patients are not aware that dental emergency services exist. If the damage is life-threatening – that is a no-brainer. You will need immediate medical intervention at the nearest hospital. If your incident is purely dental, follow our guidelines on how to proceed.

How to Find an Emergency Dentist in Bloomington, MN

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

“Seek an emergency dentist” is easier said than done. That’s because it might be unclear what classifies something as an emergency and whether it indeed relates to your oral health. Calling your dental provider is one way to find out if what you’re dealing with requires immediate attention or whether it can possibly wait. Chances are your dentist might not offer emergency services, and their soonest appointment is too far out, but they might be able to refer you to a professional. While this is not a definite list, here is a guideline of what constitutes a dental emergency:


When thinking about toothache, almost all of us who have experienced it can feel the sharp, throbbing, unbearable pain. That is because toothache is one of the most insufferable and oppressive agonies that interfere with daily functioning on another level. While pain medication can mitigate the ache, a toothache is usually a sign that something else is going on that needs to be addressed immediately. Painkillers are effective for only a short while, sometimes might not work at all, and the toothache usually sticks until you receive dental treatment.

Tooth pain is often accompanied by an array of other symptoms, such as swelling, infection, or a broken tooth. Unfinished treatment, such as root canal therapy, may cause pain recurrence, which might be classified as an urgent case.

Broken or Cracked Tooth

A broken or cracked tooth is often a problem related to the aesthetic of the oral cavity – your smile. However, any type of injury to your mouth should never be underestimated, even when you do not feel discomfort and the fracture is not visible at first glance. If not addressed in a timely fashion, the problem may worsen over time and lead to much more severe consequences.

A cracked or broken tooth associated with pain qualifies for urgent dental intervention. Some of the common fractures include teeth that have undergone root canal treatment and are susceptible to mechanical injuries or accidents that result in broken or cracked teeth.

Lost Tooth

If you suffer an injury that results in tooth loss, it is a dental emergency, and if you and your emergency dentist act fast, you can potentially save the tooth. According to the American Association of Endodontists, a knocked-out tooth should be picked up by its crown, making sure you do not touch the root. You may proceed to rinse the tooth gently, and if doable, reinsert the tooth in its missing place – the socket. If not possible, place your tooth in a container filled with water or milk. The sooner you get to your emergency dentist, the better chance at preserving your lost tooth.

Swelling and Bleeding in Gums

Seek an emergency dentist in Bloomington, MN, if you experience swollen or non-stop bleeding gums, especially if the pain is present. Most likely, there is an underlying dental problem that needs to be addressed immediately.

Swelling in Jaw and/or Mouth

Swelling might indicate infection, which is a reason good enough to seek urgent dental care. If your jaw or mouth suddenly becomes painful and swollen, reach out to your emergency dentist to receive applicable treatment.

Tooth Abscess

If your tooth becomes abscessed or anytime there is a pocket of pus in your mouth that results in infection, it is time to seek dental emergency care right away. An abscessed tooth can be a life-threatening condition that can quickly and unexpectedly spread further to surrounding areas, such as your jaw, or even other parts of your body. Side effects associated with a dental abscess include:

  • Hot and cold sensitivity
  • Fever
  • Swollen gums, jaw, and whole face
  • A visible bump on your gums near the infected site
  • Unbearable, non-stop toothache
  • Tender lymph nodes

How Can I Find an Emergency Dentist in Bloomington, MN?

Oxboro Family Dental is a practice armored with appropriate resources to offer our community not only superb and innovative dental care but also emergency services when the unexpected strikes. If you are in Bloomington, MN, area and in need of urgent dental care, do not hesitate to call our office and speak with the staff.

With that being said, here are a few tips on how to find an emergency dentist in Bloomington, MN:

Follow the Recommendations

Friends, family members, or your very own general dentist can recommend someone they trust when it comes to dental emergencies. If they are happy, chances are you will be too. After all, their healthy and dazzling smile is a testament to the professional work they went through.

A Quick Google Search

Probably the most obvious, a Google search can undoubtedly take you to some weird places, but it can also be a wealth of information and resources if done correctly. Typing in keywords such as “the best emergency dentist + Bloomington, MN,” will end up in pages of results. Your best bet is to look at Google maps and see which practices have the best reviews and the most feedback from past and current patients.

Call Your Dental Insurance Provider

If you have dental coverage, you might call your insurance provider for recommendation or a list of in-network (or preferred) emergency dentists in your area. After receiving your options, you can do a further research online to see which ones would be the best fit for your needs, what the availability is, and what others have to say about them.